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Workshops gratuitos: Culturas e Idiomas durante y después del Covid-19

The Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Consortium invita a participar en sus Workshops gratuitos “Cultures and Languages in and beyond the Time of COVID” el viernes 14 de mayo (13:00-15:00 pm EDT) y el jueves 18 de mayo (13:00-15:00pm EDT).

Ambos workshops tratarán sobre el uso de las pedagogías y principios CLAC como enfoques innovadores para responder de manera más efectiva a los desafíos que enfrenta la educación superior, tales como:

  • Responding to budget cuts to your department or programs
  • Repurposing the humanities for greater relevance and innovation
  • Overcoming barriers to interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaborations 
  • Engaging international students in classrooms 
  • Reimagining and sustaining study abroad programs
  • Promoting social justice pedagogy in international programs 
  • Rethinking the pedagogical uses of social media
  • Applying CLAC principles to hybrid classrooms, virtual exchange, and other online technologies

Links de inscripción:

Workshop 1: Friday, May 14, 2021 at 1-3pm EDT

Workshop 2: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 1-3pm EDT