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USACH student represents Chile in entrepreneurship course in Boston

Camilo Gutiérrez, an Industrial Engineering studet at our campus, was awarded the Santander Students Scholarship to participate in Babson College’s Basboln Build program to train young people from all over the world in entrepreneurial skills. The program runs from July 21 do August 21 in Boston, USA. All expenses are covered, except for the plane ticket, which is covered by each student.
Camilo had already begun in 2017 to take an interest in innovation and entrepreneurship by participating in the Lions Up tournament of the Faculty of Engineering, which looks for technological ideas to solve citizen problems. His team developed an app to help migrants seeking medical assistance at primary health centers, achieving a prominent place in the competition. This experience motivated him to apply for the scholarship offered by Banco Santander.
“One of the objectives of the course was to teach us how the entrepreneurial ecosystem works in Boston and also skills to strengthen the entrepreneurial element in each one of us. I am very interested in networking with people from other countries, who like the same topics, where perhaps a good business idea could come out,” says Camilo.
“Muchos estudiantes tienen las ganas de postular a estas becas o convocatorias, pero muchas veces tienen miedo a no poder con los ramos, a que va a pasar si voy a un país distinto solo, miedo en el fondo al fracaso que es algo que tenemos que quitarnos porque el estudiante de la Usach es bastante apto para postular y ser protagonista de este tipo de instancias", Camilo Gutierréz. |
This program brings together 30 young people from various parts of the world to experience a program of initiatives created to help undergraduate students to think and act with entrepreneurial spirit through the methodology Entrepreneurial Thought & Action, created by Babson College.
The curriculum includes subjects such as entrepreneurial thought and action, opportunity analysis and market testing, growing business management, presentation skills, entrepreneurial leadership, business models, business finance, prototyping, business marketing, negotiating, design thinking, among others.
One of the requirements to obtain the scholarship is to have a high level of English. Which did not hinder Camilo’s aspirations, “I studied intensively for four months to reach the level of being able to understand a lesson and to defend a business idea, which is done at the end of the course. However, before, I have tried to include English in my routine, I watch movies, and in this way I began to get the gist and use it as a tool for the future, to become a global native" he concludes.